Start Koin on Android
The koin-android
project is dedicated to provide Koin powers to Android world. See the Android setup section for more details.
From your Application class
From your Application
class you can use the startKoin
function and inject the Android context with androidContext
as follows:
class MainApplication : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
startKoin {
// Log Koin into Android logger
// Reference Android context
// Load modules
You can also start Koin from anywhere if you don't want to start it from your Application class.
If you need to start Koin from another Android class, you can use the startKoin
function and provide your Android Context
instance with just like:
startKoin {
//inject Android context
androidContext(/* your android context */)
// ...
Extra Configurations
From your Koin configuration (in startKoin { }
block code), you can also configure several parts of Koin.
Koin Logging for Android
Within your KoinApplication
instance, we have an extension androidLogger
which uses the AndroidLogger()
This logger is an Android implementation of the Koin logger.
Up to you to change this logger if it doesn't suit to your needs.
startKoin {
// use Android logger - Level.INFO by default
// ...
Loading Properties
You can use Koin properties in the assets/
file, to store keys/values:
startKoin {
// ...
// use properties from assets/
Start Koin with Androidx Startup (4.0.1) [Experimental]
By using Gradle packge koin-androidx-startup
, we can use KoinStartup
interface to declare your Koin configuration your Application class:
class MainApplication : Application(), KoinStartup {
override fun onKoinStartup() = koinConfiguration {
override fun onCreate() {
This replaces the startKoin
function that is usally used in onCreate
. The koinConfiguration
function is returning a KoinConfiguration
avoid blocking main thread at for startup time, and offers better performances.
Startup Dependency with Koin
You can make your Initializer
depend on KoinInitializer
if you need Koin to be setup, and allow to inject dependencies:
class CrashTrackerInitializer : Initializer<Unit>, KoinComponent {
private val crashTrackerService: CrashTrackerService by inject()
override fun create(context: Context) {
override fun dependencies(): List<Class<out Initializer<*>>> {
return listOf(